It’s the end of the year, festivities have begun and our harshest season, harmattan is here again! If you have experienced harmattan, you definitely know it comes with having dry white patches on your skin and having your lips dried up to the extent that they peel off and bleed. It’s not a very pleasant experience but we are here to help!
We bring you five ways to help protect and alleviate the harsh effects of the harmattan season on your skin.

1. Always stay hydrated
Make drinking water regularly a habit, because during harmattan, you will get hot and thirsty a lot. Drink at least a litre and half measurement of water per day to keep your skin hydrated.
2. Moisturize your face and body
This is probably one of the most important steps during harmattan to avoid dry and patchy skin. You can avoid this by moisturizing with the Eres Bella face cream and the Eres Bella body butter during the day to keep your skin smooth and glowing.
You can also moisturize your skin at night with the Eres Bella Rejuvenating Night Oil so harmattan doesn’t turn you into a White Walker before you wake up.
3. Don’t forget your lips
During the harmattan season, there is a tendency for lips to get chapped. This season is the time to invest in a good lip balm to keep your lips soft and safe from the dryness that harmattan brings.
4. Lukewarm bath
Do not use hot water for bathing during this period as it strips the skin of its natural barrier and aggravates the dryness. Instead, use lukewarm water to take your bath; it is a safer and more balanced option.
5. Exfoliate your skin
Exfoliating your skin is ideal if you experience dehydrated and dry skin in the harmattan months. Using the Eres Bella face and body scrub is great for removing everyday debris and dead skin cells from your skin. Don’t be too aggressive when you exfoliate though so you can preserve your skin’s natural oils.

With these five tips we have given you, we wish you glowing skin this harmattan season and beyond!